Open your Contacts List Click on the New Contact Button on the Ribbon The Easy Way to Enter a Contact in Outlook 2016. We’ll go through the easy way to enter basic information and also cover in detail the various options you can add to a contact. Then a window would be prompted to open Group Calendar. Go to Home tab in the Ribbon, select Calendar. And I can open the Office 365 group Calendar in Outlook 2016 correctly: In Outlook 2016, expand the Groups in Mail panel, select one Group. If you are not familiar with creating Custom Tabs, Groups or controls on the Ribbon with RibbonX follow the steps on this page first before you start with the examples on this page. The create group command can be found in the Outlook menu, under File > New > Group. You can now create a group, starting with the 16.9 (171226) release! Groups in Outlook for Mac is only available to Office 365 subscribers.
Create Outlook Form and Open with Macro Outlook I have some regular emails I send and I don’t like having to go to the Developer Tab, click Choose Form, Choose User Templates in File System, and then double-click the form in question.